VOICEii Hospitality

VOICEii Across Language Voice Solutions for Hotels and the Travel and Leisure Sector


Welcome to VOICE for the Hospitality industry. We are dedicated to expanding your reach and influence to ALL your valued guests so they can have a superior stay and enjoy the benefits of your hospitality to the max.

Manage Multilingual Guest Requests With No Delays

VOICEii cloud-based management system is accessible in multiple areas. Permission-layered and flexible access supports rapid realtime response in multiple language scenarios.

Realtime Fulfillment

Send live requests to departments for fulfilment. Housekeeping and Maintenance can take action and report status back on completion.

Rapid Deployment and Low Cost Implementation

Deployed on the cloud, VOICEii allows realtime updates and remote monitoring. Staff can access via desktop, tablet and mobile devices across large premises. 

Tailor-made Requests and Services for your Property

VOICEii has in-depth experience developing sets of voice commands and requests for Hospitality. We work with you to expand your bespoke list to match your hotel property information requirements.

Convenient, Cost-effective Cloud Provisioning

VOICEIi is deployed as a cloud-based SaaS. Once your data and content needs are decided, it can be deployed straight away.